Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I am so excited that I am about to POP!!

Yesterday, January 28, 2008, I weighed in to see where I stand with my exercise program. When I started Hip Hop Abs in March of last year, I was at 178. Yesterday, my weight was 134!!!! Yes, I reached (and surpassed) my goal weight of 135! 44 pounds and 26.75 inches all over are gone forever! That is so amazing to me! I just cannot believe how far I have come! I am happier and healthier than I ever have been before. My life has been transformed in such a wonderful way.

Yesterday made me realize that I CAN DO ANYTHING that I put my mind to and stay consistent with. There are a lot of other areas in my life that need the same type of consistency, but I know that I can do it because of this success. I also see that God helped me through it all. When I did not feel like doing my exercise for the day, He always put me in a position to get it done before I went to bed. It just made me feel better, you know? When I did not want to eat right, He made me see how sluggish I became and I did not want to feel that way. So, I thank Him for this journey - because I now see I can succeed.

My next task is to get myself out of debt. To do this, I am looking into a few new opportunities that have been placed in front of me. I am also building my MDB business and working to get my two coaches as soon as possible. I know that if I am consistent, I can see the same type of results in my finances that I see in my weight transformation.

Okay, it's time for me to go to bed, but a little motivation for anyone who is working to change themselves in any way - YOU ARE TRULY WORTH IT!! Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. You are important and special. There is potential inside of you for GREATNESS - let it shine to the world. Know that there is Someone in your corner and He is cheering you on!!!

Best of blessings, and have a wonderful night, all!!

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