Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Setting Up For Your Success - TODAY!!

As stated in an earlier motivation, it is NEVER too late to start again! As long as you have been given a brand new day, you have a new opportunity to exercise, to eat better, to relax and release stress, and to make your life better than it was on yesterday! You truly can lose that weight, have excellent health, gain energy to get through your day, and have a longer life to spend with your family. All you need to do is SET YOURSELF UP for success! Make it easy for you to do those things to better yourself and your life!

It is YOUR choice to do those things that ensure you will succeed. No one can make you eat the right foods for energy and health. No one can force you to get out of bed or come home from work and exercise. No one can physically sit you down and make you relax. No one can do that but YOU! Ask yourself if you are worth the time and effort. Of course, from my point of view, you ARE that important and should treat yourself that way. However, only you can answer this question for YOU.

How can you make it easier to set yourself up for success in 2009? Take a look at these tips:
  • Schedule your workouts in the the WOWY online calendar. Set this up for at least one month in advance, so there is no question about what you are going to do every day. If you plan to walk for 30 minutes everyday at lunchtime, or doing ChaLEAN Extreme every morning at 9:00, put that on your calendar in WOWY.
  • Find a workout buddy to make it fun and help keep you accountable. You can always send WOWY invitations to your family, friends, and those in WOWY who inspire you.
  • When shopping for groceries, make a list in advance. It makes it easier to choose those foods that are better for you. Also, don't go shopping when you are hungry, because ANYTHING goes in the basket when that stomach is grumbling.... :-)
  • Pack healthy snacks (granola bars, grapes, carrot sticks, apple slices) in the car, at your desk at work, and your house. If better food choices are nearby, you will be more apt to eat them.
  • Find 10 minutes a day to sit in silence. No TV, no phone, nothing. Use this time to take some deep, cleansing breaths and relax. You may have to find a creative place to do this, like the bathroom or in the car before going in to work or home.
  • Take a 20 - 30 minute walk at lunchtime. Walking gives you a GREAT break and you can feel good that you are taking care of yourself!

Take action on these tips, and watch yourself SUCCEED!!!

You have been an INCREDIBLE team this year!! I am just SO DELIGHTED about the successes you have been sharing with me - losing from 5 to 45 pounds, being able to have energy to keep up with your children/grandchildren, finally being able to fit into that outfit or those jeans that you have had for years! I thank EACH OF YOU for allowing me to be your coach and help you this year. I am here to see you SUCCEED in 2009, too! Wouldn't it be FABULOUS if one of you won the $10,000 monthly transformation prize?? I want to see that happen for YOU!! Please let me know how I can help!

Starting January 3, I will be starting a 90 Day Fitness Challenge. I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme and helping others with their workout programs. If you are interested in joining me, send me an email - I would love to have you and see YOUR success HAPPEN!!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Doug Hill said...

Awesome post MissCMac! Thanks for the inspirational words. And for reminding me that I need to get start meditating again. It's sooo good.