Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working Out When Sore - Take It Slow

Hi all!

I hope that you are having a FABULOUS week, and that you got a chance to "Go Green" yesterday!!

Another topic that YOU asked me to discuss in the survey last month is about doing your workout when you are sore. I have three words of advice:


You have to take the time to listen to your body and gauge how you feel. Even though you may want to press through the pain and do the workout anyway, you do not know if the muscle soreness is just soreness or if it is a sign of something bigger. I have a friend on one of the Beachbody message boards that felt soreness doing P90X. She pushed through her next workouts, and the soreness got much worse. She went to the doctor and he has taken her off weights for the next 6 weeks to heal a stress injury. You may be totally different, but please take the time to listen to your body while you do your next workout and see how the soreness feels.

Here are some steps you can take to workout when you are sore:

- Step It Down: You can do this with any program! If you are doing P90X or ChaLEAN Extreme, then you can go with lighter weights or less reps while you are taking care of yourself. If you are doing Slim in 6, Power 90, or 10 Minute Trainer, you can do it with no weights or do less reps. If you are dancing to Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, Yoga Booty Ballet, or Rockin' Body, then do a bit less quick movement or follow those who are doing the low impact version.

- Step It Out: Take a walk instead. Walking is easy on the joints and muscles, and it may help you with the soreness you feel. Stretching is excellent for soreness. That is just what a sore body needs - a good healthy stretch from head to toe.

- Step Within: Listen, listen, listen!! If you are doing something that is very uncomfortable for your body, then STOP! Do not try to power through the pain - your body is trying to tell you something. Be aware of your body's responses!

If you take the time to listen and take things slow, then pretty soon, you will be back to your normal workout - and better than ever!!

I hope this was a help for you! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

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